Monday, May 18, 2020

The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control - 897 Words

Gun control is an on going debated rather guns should be allowed or to be banned. Gun control, politics, legislation, and enforcement of measures intended to restrict access to, the possession of, or the use of arms, particularly firearms. Gun control is one of the most controversial and emotional issues in many countries, with the debate often centring on whether regulations on an individual’s right to arms are an undue restriction on liberty and whether there is a correlation between guns and crime. Proponents of gun-control legislation assert that the strict enforcement of gun-control laws saves lives and reduces crime. By contrast, opponents of gun control assert that minimal restrictions on guns ensure that individuals have adequate†¦show more content†¦This law would remain in effect until Julius Caesar violated it when he maintained a standing army to assume power as emperor of Rome, a historical event that was etched as the beginning of the decline of the Roman Empire. In fact, this historical event is of such significance that both the En glish Bill of Rights (formally An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the Crown; 1689) and the U.S. Constitution (1789) include provisions that prevent the maintenance of standing armies during times of peace without the consent of the legislative branch. Similar to the practices in England, the American colonies had numerous gun-control laws concerning safety, crime, hunting, the common defense, and even slaves. Despite those similarities, the American colonies diverged from England’s gun-control laws in two respects. First, outside of the restrictions imposed upon slaves, the American colonies did not restrict the use, ownership, and possession of guns based upon socioeconomic status. Second, the American colonies did not prescribe to a select militia based upon class. Instead, they prescribed to a universal draft whereby men of all classes were required to maintain guns and other accoutrements for the safety and defense of the state. This belief in universal arms bearing in colonial America stemmed from theShow MoreRelatedThe Pros And Cons Of Gun Control1225 Words   |  5 Pagesto discuss in this paper is gun control as I feel it is a hotly debated issue in the country today, especially after the incidents we have had throughout the recent years. Gun control has and probably will always be an issue that is argued for or against from all political sides, regardless, of your own beliefs one must look at the pros and cons of gun control to determine what is necessary. To address this, we must first look at the statistics on deaths involving guns and then apply the currentRead MoreGun Control: Pros and Cons1986 Words   |  8 Pages| Page(s) | 1 | Table of Content | 1 | 2 | Introduction | 2 | 3 | Gun Control: Pros (i) Disarm and Control Citizens (ii) Better Management (iii) Reduce Crime Rate and Death Rate | 3-4 | 4 | Gun Control: Cons (i) People’s Life Unsecured (ii) Women’s Safety Unguaranteed (iii) Spring Up of Black Markets (iv) Conflict with Democracy | 5-7 | 5 | Conclusion | 8 | 6 | References | 9 | Introduction: A gun is a normally tubular weapon or other device designed to discharge projectilesRead MorePros And Cons Of Gun Control1511 Words   |  7 PagesGun control is a policy that the government limits the keeping and using of guns by citizens. According to Firearms and Federal Law: The Gun Control Act Of 1968, the Gun Control Act is designed to provide support to Federal, State, and local law enforcement officials in their fight against crime and violence. (Journal of Legal Studies). Firearm is an epochal invention. But unfortunately, no matter in the past or now, guns and firearms are often misused. Therefore, gun control policy exists. InRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Gun Control875 Words   |  4 Pagesissue of gun control laws has become a prevalent topic of debate throughout American society. This debate stems from two opposing arguments over gun control. Some feel gun control laws are fair and not the contributing factor to these mass shootings, whereas, others feel that there is an urgent need for strict laws in order to end the problem of mass shootings. There are numerous pros and cons to the enforcement of stricter gun control laws but we must note a few things: stricter gun control laws wouldRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Gun Control785 Words   |  4 PagesGun control is a big topic in the United States today, a lot of people have many different opinions on this. They are usually about whether we should we have gun control or not. We should not need g un control to solve crime in the United States. We need laws, background checks and more. The conversation about gun control will continue on as long as guns are made and used. The argument about gun control is doubled sided. This means that on one side citizens want the government to have control overRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Gun Control1329 Words   |  6 PagesGun control is an extremely controversial topic in America. There are many advocates of weapon control - individuals who wish to have stricter laws to keep certain groups of individuals from acquiring a gun. In any case, there are likewise the general population who cant help contradicting gun control laws and accept there ought to be a more tolerant gun control to moreover enable individuals to protect themselves amid dangerous circumstances. On the two sides of this issue, sentiments extend fromRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Gun Control1474 Words   |  6 PagesGun control laws are an ongoing process that varies from location, to time of history. Throughout history different laws and regulations have been made about gun control across all continents on earth. These laws change frequently and will continue to do so till the end of time. Many people are either for or against these laws depending on their religion, moral beliefs and location. Although increasing gun control is used for the protection of citizens, it could be deemed unnecessary to many becauseRead MoreGun Control, Pro and Con.850 Words   |  4 PagesAmerica is the most well armed nation in the world. The reason why Americans own so many guns is because of the second Amendment, which states â€Å"The Right to Bear Arm†. This amendment guarantees U.S. citizens the right to have firearms. In the, weapon is defined as, an instrument of attack or defense in combat, as a gun, missile, or sword. There are many kinds of weapons and almost all of them are illegal to use without registration. Weapons are changing over times. Looking backRead MorePros And Cons Of Gun Control1073 Words   |  5 Pages Implementing gun control in the United States would only result in more chaos and increased rebellion from citizens who responsibly and legally own firearms. In doing so, the law-abiding citizens would be left defenseless against the criminals who continue to obtain guns illegally. Not only that, but the 2nd amendment rights of the United States Constitution would be diminished and the crime in the community would remain the same or perhaps increase. Gun control would not stop criminals from illegallyRead MorePros And Cons Of Gun Control738 Words   |  3 PagesGun control has become a huge political topic after the numerous violent killings in recent years. It has been debated whether gun control policies should be more lenient or more restrictive to best protect the American public. Many studies have been conducted in comparison to other countries that have stricter gun laws showing that crime has not dropped with increased gun control measures, nor has it affected a decline in h omicide rates. Other reports have shown that countries with more lenient

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Research Study On School Track And Field Coach - 883 Words

Deborah’s Brandt article, Sponsors of literacy, defines a sponsor of literacy to be â€Å"any agents, local or distant, concrete or abstract, who enable, support, teach, model as well as recruit, regulate, suppress, or withhold literacy- and gain an advantage by it in some way,†(Brandt 407) . Brandt is an English professor at the University of Wisconsin- Madison. My literacy sponsor would have to be my high school track and field coach. On October 2011 my parents sent me here to the states to further my education. Coming from Johannesburg, South Africa, where things were almost completely different. From the food, scenery, to the lifestyle, everything was completely different. I didn’t take any English classes, and we didn’t speak English at home, so I had no idea what people were saying or how to communicate. I was welcomed into the country by my coach (David Castel), who was the one I would be staying with for the duration of my time in high school. He was a good friend of my parents, and they had trusted him to put me through school. A smart, well-educated man, highly respected and regarded. David graduated from Georgetown, and attended grad school in Duke. He valued hard work, respect, and discipline more than anything, he believed that these three were the most important things when getting through life. A lot of the times when I first began school, I would be very irritated and mad that I couldn’t read or understand what people were saying. My coach set up a systemShow MoreRelatedThe On The Track And Field Community1131 Words   |  5 PagesChapter 1 Introduction There is a serious debate in the track and field community as to whether there is more benefit, namely increased distances, to be gained in the throwing events from improvements in technique versus improvements in strength. 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Radio Frequency Identification for Communications - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theRadio Frequency Identification for Wireless Communications. Answer: Introduction The report will discuss in detail about radio frequency identification which is also called as RFID. A technology that can incorporate the overall usage of electromagnetic coupling in the RF portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. This will raise the usage of the same in the industry as an option to the bar code. The benefits of RFID are that it does not need any kind of direct contact or scanning (Landt Melville, 2013). The system of RFID consists of three elements like an antenna, transceiver and transponder. The use of antenna in radio based frequency waves is to transmit a signal that helps in activating the transponder. While activating it, the tag also transmits the current data back to the antenna. Evaluate the use of Radio Frequency Identification (FRID) technology The technology can be used in so many kinds of schemes within the hospitals. Particularly, it can also be applied to track the patient along with pharmaceutical tracking and many other usages. As the potential of every application context to have its own set of advantages and limitation to execution and rate of adoption, it was determined that the overall scope of the study must be restricted to the device and supply based tracking (Zheng Li, 2013). At the time of implementing the search, there were number of terms that were used here like Radio Frequency Identification or management of inventory. It is actually a mix of database and varied online sources which was used to compile a set of different references and cover academic and peer reviewed research. Explain how the technology works The basic RFID system consist of two parts which can be called as the tag and the reader discussed in details as below: - Tag: the concept of RFID tag gas an embedded set of transmitters as well as receiver. The real RFIS elements consist in a tag and cover the two parts which can be defined as in two parts which are an integrated circuit to store and the processing the right data in the form of information and an antenna to get and transmit a signal (Varadhan et al, 2013). The tags of RFIS is also highly non-volatile by nature along with memory based storage and consist of either the fixed logic for the sake of processing transmission as well as sensor data. It is important to understand that tags by nature can be passive, active or battery based assistive and passive. It is important to understand that a passive tag is actually the cheapest form of option and characterize no battery. The tag also uses radio energy which is transmitted by the readers. Then there is an active tag which characterize a battery which is onboard where it can be transmitted periodically and its credentials (Palaniswamy, 2013). A battery based assistive passive tag can also be characterise a small battery which onboard however is only activated when in the presence of an RFID based reader. In addition, a tag can be read only or sometime read/write. The read only tag on one hand has a factory based serial number which is used for the sake of identification in a database while the features like read/write tag can have particular custom data written to the tag by present users. Reader: the RFID reader characterize a two-way process radio transmitted-receiver and can be referred to as an interrogator. The transceiver also transmits an encoded form of radio signals to investigate the tag. Also, the tag transponder further converts the radio signals into used power and answers to the reader (Nikitin et al, 2017). Explain the business or technical problem the technology is designed to solve Following are some of the important challenged that RFID can help the organization address are discussed as follow: - Improved level of IT based asset usage by properly tracking the servers, lab tools and notebooks. Improved level of documents based management by properly tracking the location, chain and status of custody of the legal documents (Liu et al, 2015). Check-out and rental cases, such as techniques or at a tool rental outlet. Reduction in inventory by giving a right picture of the present inventory and removing the need for ordering more than required along with the backup inventory. Improved level of inventory based accuracy eliminates the non-value which helps in adding labour needed to cycle the count to find as well as verify where the certain items are exist (Chen et al, 2016). Removing the repetitive kind of data entry like they situation in which the shipments can be tracked by hand on a present clipboard only to become a part of computer database. Keeping the track on many high-value assets or products for instance calibration tools or medical devices. Tracking of the high-turnover range of products like clothing or hundreds of books at the book shop or tires on the rack. Tracking the consigned level of inventory like eyeglasses at the office of doctor. Recognizing and tracking the returnable racks and bins like plastic bags, beer kegs and many more at a medical supply store (Bekkali et al, 2015). Identify the technology limitations. Following are the limitation of the RFID: - System of RFID can be easily disrupted: - the reason RFID systems uses of the electromagnetic spectrum like WiFi network, are comparatively easy to fix using the energy at the right frequency. At the same time, this can only create inconvenience for the customer in stores and it can be quite disastrous in other areas where RFID is used more and more like military fields and hospitals. In addition, active RFID based tags can be interrogated constantly to wear the battery down and disrupting the system (Zheng Li, 2013). RFID Reader Collision: The Reader collision happens specifically when the signals from two or even more readers is able to overlap. The current tag cannot respond to simultaneous doubts. The systems must be carefully established to avoid the issue and there are many systems that can be used as an anti-collision protocol. RFID based tag collision: the tag collision actually happens when there are many tags that are existing in small place, but the overall read time is rapid. It is also easy for the vendors to grow the systems that make sure that tags can respond one at a time (Zheng Li, 2013). Evaluate at least one organizations implementation of the technology. There are so many organization that are taking up this technology to make the process more easy and comfortable. The one organization which has implemented the technology is BJC healthcare. When RFID is just used at one step of the current supply chain and it can also have a major impact on every aspect around it. With the usage of RFID inventory management methods like smart kind cabinets, hospitals like BJC can have complete visibility into the inventory and know exactly about how many to order (Liu et al, 2014). The concept of BJC also states that they can be reduced the current amount of stock on hand by twenty three percent which further means buying less tools then in turn just setting on the shelves since there is miss-counts. Assessment of the technologys prospects for success in the market The development in the RFID related market will continue to drive because of the security and further access the control based application like e-identification and other government sponsored security projects like passport safety, and border crossing cards, development of penetration of RFID technology into other set of application areas in production, transport, animal tracking, commercial segments and aviation like retail and textile is expected to save the future of the present RFID market. Tagging of different animals is further expected to develop in strong manner since laws and regulation governs livestock, wildlife and pet care become stringent by nature (Liu et al, 2014). There is epidemic level of outbreak like bird flu and issues over the health of animals and safety of food which further make traceability and origin of animal meat a critical importance will also boost the market prospects for RFID in the food based safety sector. The consumer level awareness on safety of food on the rise and RFID devices can provide traceability of the food products over the complete food supply chain and is further expected to see a significant development in demand in safety of food based applications. Conclusion In the present time, organization worldwide are using RFID technology for the managing of effective Supply Chain Management. There are some organization which only uses RFID technology in specific aspects and there are other companies using RFID system throughout the complete supply chain procedure. This further enable visibility from one point to the other. (Dwivedi et al, 2013). Reference Bekkali, A., Zou, S., Kadri, A., Crisp, M., Penty, R. V. (2015). Performance analysis of passive UHF RFID systems under cascaded fading channels and interference effects.IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,14(3), 1421-1433. Chen, M., Luo, W., Mo, Z., Chen, S., Fang, Y. (2016). An efficient tag search protocol in large-scale RFID systems with noisy channel.IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON),24(2), 703-716. Dwivedi, Y. K., Kapoor, K. K., Williams, M. D., Williams, J. (2013). RFID systems in libraries: An empirical examination of factors affecting system use and user satisfaction.International Journal of Information Management,33(2), 367-377. Landt, J., Melville, M. G. (2013).U.S. Patent No. 8,432,255. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Liu, X., Li, K., Min, G., Lin, K., Xiao, B., Shen, Y., Qu, W. (2014). Efficient unknown tag identification protocols in large-scale RFID systems.IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,25(12), 3145-3155. Liu, X., Xiao, B., Zhang, S., Bu, K. (2015). Unknown tag identification in large RFID systems: An efficient and complete solution.IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,26(6), 1775-1788. Nikitin, P. V., Spiess, G. N., Leland, H. M., Hingst, L. C., Sherman, J. H. (2017).U.S. Patent No. 9,704,002. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Varadhan, C., Pakkathillam, J. K., Kanagasabai, M., Sivasamy, R., Natarajan, R., Palaniswamy, S. K. (2013). Triband antenna structures for RFID systems deploying fractal geometry.IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters,12, 437-440. Zheng, Y., Li, M. (2013). Fast tag searching protocol for large-scale RFID systems.IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON),21(3), 924-934. Zheng, Y., Li, M. (2013, April). ZOE: Fast cardinality estimation for large-scale RFID systems. InINFOCOM, 2013 Proceedings IEEE(pp. 908-916). IEEE.